MENACE OF STICKER HAWKERS – National Reformer News Online


Vincent Oyibode

I would like to start this piece by first appreciating the good works of our amiable governor, Dr. Emmanuel Uduaghan for his efforts at developing the state. This he has achieved through the implementation of his 3 – point agenda of Peace and Security, Human Capital Development and Infrastructural Development.

It would be an understatement to say that the aspect of peace and security in the 3- point agenda is being threatened by some unscrupulous miscreants in the name of hawking the stickers.

The sale of stickers is a way for the Local Government to have internally generated revenue. But the way and manner these boys go about it is rather appalling.

All vehicles, especially commercial vehicles, are expected to buy these stickers which should be made handy and produced on demand by those in charge. But what we see now is an embarrassing situation where touts constantly harass motorists, pilfering whatever they can lay their hands on. They even go to the extent of puncturing their tyres with nails affixed to wood.

I was privileged to be at a scene where a well – dressed gentleman was harassed and forced by these touts to pay for a commercial sticker simply because he stopped to give his colleague a lift to the office. Entreaties from passers – by fell on deaf ears and the gentlemen, considering his resumption time at the office, obliged and parted with the money for the sticker which at the end, was not given to him even when he insisted. He was threatened and driven away.

The activities of these touts have caused several accidents on the roads but this does not seem to deter them. Instead, they are waxing stronger by the day, what with the support being given by some behind – the – scene “Ogas” who expect returns from these touts at the end of each day.

Recently some people were crushed to death at Okuokoko, in Udu Local Govt. Area of the State when in a bid to dodge the nails set for his tyres by these touts, the driver of a bus swerved off the road and ran into a group of people doing their normal business.

One of the eye witnesses, Mr. Okoro John, express anger over what is happening as it concerns stickers and appealed to the Governor to do something fast. Another eye witness Mrs. Agnes Akpe, who was visibly angry, said the way and manner these touts operate is very annoying stressing that if something urgent is not done, it would lead to something else.

I am of the opinion that a single sticker should be given to cover the whole state and the duration should be one year just as the case with the vehicle licence. The State Government should reach out to the National Union of Road Transport Workers (NURTW), Association of Local Governments of Nigeria (ALGON), the Ministry of Local Government and Chieftaincy Affairs, and Local Government Chairmen to call these touts to order.

The Government should also come out with an instruction where whoever wishes to renew his vehicle license is made to buy/renew his sticker as well so that the two would be seen to go ‘pari passu’, thus making it easier for both the sellers and the buyers. Hence the slogan would be “No sticker, No renewal of vehicle license“.

Note should be taken that the activities of these touts tend to discourage investors who would now see Delta State as a non- profitable and unsafe environment to invest in.

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