With the unfortunate news of the death of the most powerful politician in the President Muhammadu – led Presidency, former Chief of Staff, Abba Kyari, all I can say is that let the death of Abba Kyari at the Presidency, be a lesson to all Nigerian politicians across the country that life is vanity upon vanity.
As such, they should daily strive to live worthy lives by positively impacting on lives and in the country, via their various public offices. And not to be driven by pursuing selfish interests that are detrimental to the Nigerian public.
While we pray, may his soul rest in peace, those Nigerian politicians who think they are on top and untouchable, should realize that they are just deceiving themselves. No man lives forever. Most people pray that they should live up to 90 years. But what matters is the quality and content of the life lived, and not the length of years. Abba Kyari was regarded as the most powerful and influential politician at the Presidency that one had to reckon with, if you want to be appointed, or even reach the President. He was said to be the one who practically decides who the President must listen to. That was how influential he was. But today, all of that power and influence is no more, as he became one of the victims of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Let this also be a lesson to the Nigerian billionaires of today, who are so wealthy and powerful that one begins to wonder why they are evidently surrounded by the poor of the poorest. So, rather than envelope themselves in their wealth and riches, they should always learn to give back to the society and impact on lives. While those who acquired their wealth and riches should relinquish same and turn from evil ways.
There is no amount of power, wealth, riches and influence at any level, that can save one from the clutches of death. All the big names like Ibru, Dantata, Ojukwu, Abiola, etc. are no more today. There was a time these names, like Abba Kyari, were the shakers and movers of the Nigerian society. But the names that we hear now are the Dangote, Adenuga, Otedola and others.
The world is indeed a stage. You come in, play your role, and exit. What remains is whether you will get a standing ovation from the audience or a boo, or not. The likes of Ibrahim Babangida, Author Nzeribe are no longer in vogue in Nigeria’s political space.
As noted by famous actor, Arnold Schwarzenegger (The Terminator), who later became Governor of the State of California, US, who once posted a picture of himself sleeping in the street under his famous bronze statue, and wrote sadly. “How times changed”. And he gave a very good advice to everyone that is in positions of authority. In the words of Arnold Schwarzenegger: “When you are in a position, people may be praising you. Don’t let it get to your head or your heart. Be yourself and don’t get carried away. Even if they mean to be true and sincere, check yourself that you have not exceeded your limits. Be sure that you are doing what is right and what is good. Don’t place any expectation on others and don’t look down on others. Let your doors be open to everyone and open your mind to anyone making a point. They may be your guardian angels. No one knows it all. Remember that your position is for a while. The people who surround you to seek your favour may even forget you sooner than you can remember. Those who spent time with you are no exception. You may be lonely someday. Even some of the people you helped may eventually loathe you. Remember, what you have to your name is your good work. THE LEGACIES THAT YOU LEFT IN THE SANDS OF TIME. THAT IS WHAT WILL SPEAK FOR YOU. Do not assume that every word spoken to you in office will be kept as a promise in future.
“Do not trust your position, name, power, money, fame or intelligence as a magic to open doors in future. Only trust in your good work and legacies because nothing last long in life but death.”
Let this be a passionate appeal to all Nigerian Politicians and Nigerian billionaires, to soft pedal on how they use their positions of authority, wealth, riches and influence, in dealing with the Nigerian common masses. They should know it is all vanity. What matters is the lives they have been able to touch and transform positively. For death, doesn’t recognize famous politicians and famous billionaires. Let the various State Governors, who are best described as ‘State Emperors’, including the almighty Senators, House of Representatives members, Ministers and the rest, learn to live worthy lives, and DELIVER GOOD GOVERNANCE to the people.
Zik Gbemre.
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