
On 8th March 2021, exactly one year today, I took the oath of office for the second time as the democratically elected Chairman of Warri South Council Area. This makes it four years I have been on the saddle, serving the lovely people of Warri South.
Dear Compatriots, the last 48 months have been eventful and exhilarating in our quest to advance the frontier of governance at the grassroots. I am happy to report that the LGA is on the upswing and the light of development is shining again. Yet I must remind all of my cautionary statement upon my assumption of office: that this would not be smooth-sailing, that the road will be rough and the climb will be steep but that this also represents the history of our people – a history of continuing struggle. The last four years have also proved that the struggle has been worth the trouble.
Today, the Council has successfully risen to address the critical questions of restoration of hope. Even though we cannot claim to have reached the destination of our journey, we have nonetheless moved away from the spot of hopelessness. The focus is clear, the direction is unambiguous, it is movement with motion. Hence the theme of the celebration is Celebrating God’s Faithfulness while Delivering The Promise for Our People.
Our administration recognises the efficacy of God’s grace and the power of trust as the necessary variable to implement our vision of unparalleled progress for our Council Area. We have to recreate the parameters to make people trust the intentions of government especially those who have the mandate to represent the people and superintend over their commonwealth. This is not an easy task, but I thank you, the good people of Warri South for believing in us and showing us tremendous support everywhere we turn since we assumed office. The people’s trust in the genuine intentions of this government has equally created in us the urge to do more with every sense of responsibility so as not to disappoint the people.
Today, the story has changed considerable. We have been able to restore the core Warri values of passion, courage, integrity, character and honour; we have restored a measure of hope and confidence in Warri South. Based on our model of participatory governance, we have managed to touch key sections of our Administration Agenda, drawn as the Roadmap to Warri Restoration. This blueprint is made possible because of our bottom-up approach to development through our robust interface with Traditional Rulers, Community Leaders, Market Men/Women, Organized Private Sector, Academicians, Faith based Organisation to mention but a few.
The enhanced health care service delivery at the PHCs, the daily environmental sanitation exercise, as well as the relative peace in the Council Area, are all as a result of planning, prudence and total commitment to the Agenda of this administration. This is our articulated vision to renew Warri South. To say that we have pursued this agenda vigorously is an understatement, evidence abound across the LGA to attest to the potency of the Agenda as a holistic transformation blue print. It is from the prism of the Agenda that I like to present to the good people of Warri South our score card, albeit, briefly as we celebrate the first anniversary of the second term of this government, the inauguration of which you are all core stakeholders.
We recognise that good governance is the foundation of developmental agenda. This explains our regular interface with Warri South people through interactive sessions. I have exemplified our trust in the people as the best judges of our activities in government by keeping them abreast of government’s activities.
This government has continued to provide free medical services for children, pregnant women, senior citizens and the physically-challenged in Warri South upon assumption of office. We have also upgraded some of the health centres, while increasing the immunisation coverage in the Council Area, expanding medical assistance to needy patients across the LGA, and bolstering the Council’s capacity for effective healthcare delivery. Our success in health care services is positively recognised in the latest statistical indices which the State Ministry of Health released recently. Warri South now has one of the lowest maternal mortality and child mortality index.
Our government has successfully created the enabling ambience for small- and medium-scale enterprises, established micro-credit facilities that is helping to stimulate the economic growth in the local economy. This forms part of the recommendations at the Economic Summits organsied by the Council.
Mindful of the core essence of government which is the provision of security as a public good, our administration had borne the political responsibility for the activities of the security sector. Today, security personnels in Warri South Council Area are responsive to public needs chiefly on account of the logistics supports being provided by our administration.
Another area where this administration has made significant in-roads is environment. A walk through the city centre signals a locality with low tolerance for indiscriminate disposal of refuse. The Council environmental team with the support of its Taskforce are daily ensuring that both Rural and urban areas of the Council are rid of filths.
Ø Skills’ acquisition training for youths/promotion of adult education
Ø Provision of Succor for indigent persons, victims of fire disasters.
Ø Donations to inmates of Nigeria Correctional Service, Warri, to enhance their welfare and skills’ acquisition drive
Ø Provision of enabling environment and occasional financial support to NGOs humanitarian activities.
Ø Procurement of Waste Disposal Trucks
Ø Upgrade of Ugbuwangue Market
Ø Construction/Commissioning of 120 Open Stalls at Ugbuwangue Market
Ø Historic takeover of Ogbe-Ijoh Market, Warri/comprehensive data collation of the shops and occupants of the market, after several years of business activities in the market premises
Ø Construction of 21-boreholes across the 20 DSIEC Wards in Warri South Local Government Area.
ü Refurbishing of Patrol Van for the Police at ‘A’ Division, Warri.
ü Provision of six fishing boats with engines as well as fishing nets, to six Co-operative Societies in the Local Government Area with a view to bossting Agro-Economic growth in the Coastal Communities.
Ø Reconstruction/completion of Omadino Primary Health Care.
Ø Procurement of Medical Equipment and installation at Omadino Health Centre
Ø Construction of perimeter fence at Okurode and Eboh Primary Health Centres
Ø Comprehensive Renovation of Warri South Council Secretariat
Ø Ongoing construction of the Official Residence of Chairman of Council.
Ø Refurbishment of NUGLE Bus.
Ø Procurement of Vehicle: 4Nos. Toyota Sienna: One to “A” Division Police Station, one to ‘B’ Division Police Station, one to Area Command Police Station, one to the Legislative Arm.
It must however be noted that the aforementioned achievements of our administration was done in the face of paucity of funds bedeviling the third tier of government today.
May I at this juncture reiterate my declaration when I took up the job in January 2018, “We must be honest and admit that attaining greater heights in Warri South will require more than just government. There is no magic wand about it. It will require a renewed sense of responsibility from each of us. Yes, government must lead, but each of us must do our part in rebuilding this beloved Warri of ours where ethnicity is downplayed”. But this I mean, we must emphasise those things that unites us and de-emphasise what divides us, as there lies our strength. Yes, we must not just concentrate on what we have done, we should equally dwell on the continuing challenges that we face. The greatest of this remains our commitment to the core values of integrity and honour. We will not get tired of drumming this up at every opportunity until we restore the forces of character as the beauty of our land. Some of our material challenges will not be easily overcome, but we have what it takes to have the ultimate victory in all fronts.
As we provide leadership at the Council, I seek the cooperation of all and sundry to join in the task of rebuilding Warri. We are lighting the candle for our people to find the pathway. There are many tasks ahead and we still have a long way to go in Warri. However, I am convinced that we have laid the foundation for the creation of a prosperous, united and greater Warri where divisiveness will become history.
I, today, reaffirm, along with my Vice Chairman to stand for justice and equity; to redouble efforts at building a Council Area that would be a pride to all. My sacred social contract with the people of Warri South will continue to be renewed to meet the expectations of the common man. I congratulate all of us on the milestones achieved so far and wish you all better years ahead. Thank you and God bless.
Dr. Michael Tidi