Commencement Address By Rev. Fr. Cletus Ndidi Enwefah, Parish Priest of Our Lady Queen of Apostles Catholic Church, Jeddo, at the 2013 Graduation Ceremony of Good Shepherd Catholic Boys’ Secondary School, Oyede.

We gather here this day to celebrate the realization of a dream. The dream of young men who have successfully completed their secondary education. You have achieved this on this platform-this house of leaning named after the Good shepherd himself.
Everything that has a beginning has an end and every end is a beginning itself. If I can get close to each of you and feel your heart beat, the Rhythm will be different.
For some, it is at last. For others, thank God I am through with secondary school and for others and probably many; the rhythm is… what does the future hold. Where do I go from here?
I know you are excited but let your excitement be provoked by the determination to be your best and noting but your best. Listen now to what the GOOD SHEPHERD – Jesus Christ our Lord said to his apostles-his friends as he was sending them out ….
I send you out as lambs in the midst of wolves, carry no purse, no bag, no sandals, salute no one on the road. Lk. 10:1ff
Yes indeed, out there in the world, there are wolves. There are a lot of things that will entice you as young men. Most of the things waiting for you out there can’t ld be speak or move but you can move them. You must not allow them to enslave you. You must be in control because you have been equipped. Your teachers both academic staff have put in a lot to ensure that you come out the best. Yes you need purses to carry money but what is money without you. What is it without us? What really is its value? From the purses of your parents, uncles and aunties money kept coming out and it has been used over the years to produce this amazing product called you. A product that many Universities cannot wait to experience. You should be grateful to them for the sacrifices they have made because of you. To whom much is given ….so much more is expected. You have carried bags containing your belonging but what is the bag without its contents. Don’t let the content of the bag daze you. Yes you can have a lot in your bag but not many carry the ideal things for the journey. Your bags should be the abode of the necessity(s) of life-not just clothes and shoes and magazines without repute but items of worth-decent clothing, your book-yes your books-good books-the book of life-the BIBLE which contains the account of many achievers, young men of your age; Joseph, David, Samuel all of whom started so young. Indeed it is the age of Gadgets. You must know how to use them. There is a lot of information in the internet. Be creative with them but please they have the capacity to waste your time if you are not wise and in control. When you buckle your sandals and lace your shoes to go out, let it be purposeful. My dear friends, there will be so many persons on the road. Courtesy demands that you respect everyone but you don’t get carried away with their business. You need to be focused and determined.
Remember how young you were when you first stepped into this compound? Now, see what time has done to all of you. In this place, you have acquired different skills – many of you have built on some of the skills you had before coming. You have added to your list of friends because together, you have formed a team. Most of you here have become best of friends. You have discovered your strength in different subjects and this institution has made you not only to discover your talent but she has developed it and sustained it for you. You might not know it but let me tell you, there is a lot inside each of you. If you don’t believe in yourself, no one will believe in you. Your rising to this level has everyone around you. You have changed the thinking and appearance of your Parents, Guardians and Relatives. You have pushed your younger ones and elderly ones if you have to a new standing in life. Around all of you seated here this day is the aroma of great expectation. All of these I have told you today are possible. It all depends on you. This is your time. This is your Era. The world is waiting for you. Even though they are wolves out there, as lamb, you will conquer because the lamb is simple and humble. These are qualities of many known famous men and women. Just be simple and humble. To be simple means to be plain and precise. It means that one avoids whatever is unnecessary. To be humble means you are disposed to learning – always ready to discover. Indeed, the one who is ready and willing to learn at all times is already showing great Leadership qualities. Right here in this room are Doctors, Engineers, Pharmacist, Professors, Priests, Governors and you never can tell-the future President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Only time will tell. I urge you all therefore to use your time well because time is so vital in life. There is no doubt that there are some fears in your minds as you step into the future that awaits you now. What is a lamb before a wolf? The teeth of the wolf are so sharp. Just a bite and the lamb is history. But that as it may, you can withstand the sight of the wolf. When a wolf attacks a gang of Lamb-it goes for just one. It scatters the group by a fast run and seeks only one-don’t be that one. Don’t take for granted the number of years you have spent here. You have been so equipped but you wouldn’t know. But right now I am stirring up in you that vital you, that confident you. That you that can be the best and nothing but the best. Don’t be afraid to be afraid. It is only a sign that your courage is about to burst forth. May be your Parents, Guardians, Relatives are also entertaining some fears. But I will like to wake up the guts in you. The guts that prompted you to make the choice to give your-son beloved boy-who is now a man this quality of education. You have spent a lot because you believed in what you were doing. It was a risk but now, it has paid off. A lot of your mate-Yes, Parents like you didn’t make this choice but you did. What an effort, what an edifice you are building. It is just a matter of time. Just be strong-stay awake and you will see what that boy of yesterday, that boy who is now a man-Yes, a man of the future will bring you. By the grace of God, your efforts will not be in vain. I admire you. I praise you. Brace yourself now. Suck in a lot of air because just as you celebrate their secondary graduation now, you will also celebrant their graduation from university. They will make you proud. They will write your family name in gold. Just take it one day at a time. To you my beloved graduates, the way you see time matters a lot. Don’t waste your time. There is time for everything. Whatever you are aspiring to become, whatever dram you are having, all of it will be operative within a particular time frame. Don’t be afraid. The world is waiting for you. So, on your mark, get set…Go for it. It’s all yours. Go and get it now. Don’t delay.
Congratulations to you all. Congratulations the great class of 2013. Your footprints will forever remain on the ground of this hallowed institution. The Good shepherd is always with you. If you believe in Him, there is nothing you shall want. Your parents, teachers and all of us are proud of you. Thank you and God bless you all.