BAYELSA NEEDS psychiatric hospital …….. Hon. Ebitimi Timbiri
Philip Jeremiah Eke
Hon. Ebitimi Timbiri, students activist, a renowned grassroot politician, aspirant for the forth-coming federal House of Representatives, representing Yenagoa Kolokuma/Opokuma constituency. Also, he is an advocate of good governance, presently, the youth parliamentarian representing Bayelsa central senatorial district. Spoke on the state of the nation of the youths in Bayelsa state and Nigeria in general the challenges of youths, the issues of the
national confab and other salient issues, with our correspondent Philip Jeremiah Eke excerpt

As a youth parliamentarian representing Bayelsa central in the Nigeria youth parliament, what is your view of this year international youth day in Bayelsa state?
Actually, August every year is set aside globally, to recognize and appreciate the effort of young people and also to re-emphasized their challenges toward contributing effectively in nation building, it is so unfortunate that Bayelsa state, cannot adequately recognized that day, although it is not the first time, 2013 edition was not celebrated in Bayelsa state, without crucial no reason, so we as Bayelsa youth as part of the leadership community, we are not happy with the situation, because, the 2014 edition was centre on human
health, for united nation to come up with this unique theme, I belief they have strategic master plan to ensure that young people would benefit from all the available health schemes, in ensuring the enabling environment for a better society, it is a pitiable situation that within Nigeria, only Bayelsa state could not recognized or celebrate the global youth day.
A youth leader of high repute in Bayelsa state, how would you described the synergy between the government and the youths in Bayelsa state, do you think it is compactable?
To be specific, it is clear that the dichotomy between the youths leadership and government of Bayelsa is not so commendable, however, before now what we use to have, youth leaders through the supervising ministry of youths development, it is so unfortunate, it is not so cordial as the youth needed or desired, we have also, identified crucial issues, which we need to advocate or enlighten the public especially the youths, one of the issues, insufficient funding of youths development programmes in Bayelsa state, lack of functional youths development centres across the three senatorial districts in
Bayelsa state, frequent interference of youths elections by government, youth leaders should be in dependent from government, the youths can support government policies where necessary and kick against when the need arises, we actually concerns about government policies where necessary we can influence. I advice government to abstain from frequent interference of Izon youths congress elections, national council of youth, Nigeria youth parliament elections election, there should be free and fair deals, we cannot do without government so also the government cannot do without youths in the
state, for us to strife effectively, we must work with government, government should not hijack all the youths structures in the state. It is not a welcome development, regards the international youth day. Theme: mental health of youth is very serious developmental topics, the youths in Bayelsa state are so desirous to partner with government in terms of policies formations, articulation, policies implementations, the youths are so ready, we have a role to play ,as youth government should create enabling environment for young people to contribute to nation building, and as a matter of facts, the issue of unemployment in Yenagoa is becoming so alarming, government should always engage the young ones, who are so full of ideas and energies,
we have had series of occasions, whereby young graduates took protest
to the streets of Yenagoa, protesting against the increasing rate of unemployment, the youths in the course of doing peaceful protests have been often times bastardized by security agencies, young people need to be engaged, taking time to go to school, after graduation, no jobs for over ten to fifteen years, we know government cannot engaged all the youth in jobs, but government can create and partner with corporate organization, operating in the shores of Bayelsa state, I think of that area is exploited in the interest of Bayelsa youths,i think the issues of unemployment will be drastically reduced.
In flux of mad persons in Yenagoa metropolis daily from neighbouring
states, which is now eyesore to Bayelsans, as youth leaders, what effort are you doing to curtail the menace of the imbroligio?
Well, we have taking time to meet with various security agencies in Bayelsa state including the Nigeria police, the Nigerian custom, the immigration ,few days ago, we were with the state commandant of the drug law enforcement agencies, and also with the federal road safety corps.
Actually, we want government to checkmate the influx of mad men and
women. We have check points in our roads there are check points all along security personnel are in those checking points, instead of exploiting monies from drivers, let them do what they are expected to do, increasing rate of mental insanity in Bayelsa state is becoming something else, we want government to check mate, the inflow, the security agencies should endeavour to do their best, as a youth parliamentarian in the Nigeria youth parliament in Bayelsa central senatorial district, it is part of my contribution is the Bayelsa project, and also part of my report in this your youth day
celebration. The Bayelsa state House of Assembly should have come out
with Legislation in curbing the ugly menace of the restriction of mad
persons from the streets of Yenagoa.
Don’t you think the state House of Assembly is to be indicted, especially n executing its over sight functions, moreso, most of the motions and resolutions taking in the state House of Assembly are not effective what is your take Sir?
Am aware, the State House of Assembly is trying their best, but he areas of over sight function is not been so pronounce, as a matter of fact, the history of Bayelsa state, the over sight function are not been adequately put in practice, compared to other states, so as regard to world report on youth mental health, the State House of Assembly to initiate Legislation, laws that can check-mate the inflow of young person with insanity, when we see cases of mad persons it is not encourageable, the state government can come up with policies in check mating this ugly trend, camps can be built by government,
Bayelsa needs to be sanitized. I also use this medium to encourage our
youth our should abstain from drug abuse, especially consuming substances that can cause derange in their mental health, it is only through proper mental health, we can contribute favourably in nation building, the youth have quality ideas in developing the state and the country at large, so, let us protect our metal health, protection of our mental health is our priority, health is wealth as the popular slogan goes. Added to the above, Bayelsa state government should build psychiatric hospitals in the three senatorial districts.
You are quite aware, 2015 elections are around the corner, and several secret meetings are going on continually in every nooks and crannies in Bayelsa State and Nigeria at large, what is your view of this earring campaigns and cockroach meetings?
Recently, it has been unveiled in the Nigerian youth parliament, that all the Honourable members of the Nigerian youth parliament should go back home to foster the key agenda of the United Nation, the key Agenda of the youth and the common people, the key agenda is advocacy action for forty percent inclusion of young people in decision making, we are talking about policy formulation, implementation, policy assessment, policy evaluations among others, it has become a necessity, everywhere in the world should be allowed to contribute their quota in the development of their affairs and the society at
large, development is a collective effort, so ahead of 2015, i called on all Bayelsa youth and Nigeria in general to recognized the advocacy of forty percent participation of young persons, the youths have taking time to prepare for themselves in the act of leadership, they have prepared themselves academically, spiritually, socially and otherwise, I think if they are given the pledge to serve in the state House of Assembly, the serve in the National Assembly they can do well, I don’t want to mention names, they are doing well in this state and the National Assemblies.
I call on all youth to be united; distractions can never take us to anywhere, so that the forty percent advocacy can be easily realized in Bayelsa state. South/South, Nigeria and moreso, Africa as a whole.
Sir what is your assessment of the National confab, especially the delegates from the South/South, their contribution, do you think they strike a great deal in achievements?
The National confab, indeed was a welcome development, I congratulate the president of the federal republic of Nigeria, for coming upwith this brilliant ideas in making Nigerians to come together to discuss their affairs, but one point we must make clear and understand, the outcome or the resolutions of the confab, what will be the key resolutions of the confab, how will they put the resolutions into practice? We are using this medium that it should be by way of referendum, the resolutions should be put in referendum, the masses
must still make their inputs that is the only way the common man ideas
can be articulated in the right direction.
The resolutions in the confab was seventy five percent which is two third majority, but, the South/South delegates, they were in minority in the floor of the confab and as such, the issues of resources control, the thirteen percent were kicked out, we are believing that such advocacies should be able to take shape, because South/South is the main source of income of our dear country, when cocoa, groundnuts were sources of income in the country, it was fifty-fifty percent (50%) they should also recognized the issues of true federalism, they should also recognized the principles of resource control, for
the benefit of Nigerian equity and fairness should be the order of the day, no Regional sentiment, all for fairness in contributing to nation building would have been top most if the country is not bias, we are demanding for fifty percent derivations through resources control and true federalism.
The economic hardship in Bayelsa state, several complains from the market women, youths, civil servants and even the political class, sir, what is the motivating factor of this serious issues which is hampering our social, economic development?
I wholeheartedly congratulate the executive governor of Bayelsa state, Hon. Henry Seriake Dickson for the massive infrastructural development in the state, but, the fact must be told, we are all aware, no adequate money in circulation, most of the contractors there are foreigners, I urged our amiable Governor to ensure that, he should inculcate the principles of local contents in the state we have to be given jobs, the foreigners will vest in their own states that is one reasons why there is capital fight in our state, else market women,
youths are complaining of the economic hardship, even government officials. The governor should known and implement local concept in the scheme of things in Bayelsa State, we commended the transparency of the governor, it s a welcome administration, it is so focus, in terms of infrastructural provisions, so commendable feat.