Olu of Warri: I still stand by the edit (law) of 1979 – Omolubi

I Prince Omolubi Newuwumi JP from Utonlila Community the chairman of concerned Ginuwa 1 ruling house.
Utonlila was founded by Ugbewun and Deso who are sons of Erejuwa 1 the then Olu of Warri, Ugbewun begot Ejutse, Ejutse begot Ewuru, Ewuru begot Newuwumi, Newuwumi begot Peter, Peter is my father. This made me a born prince of Warri kingdom.
My view over the kingship of Warri kingdom have been clearly stated in my first publication titled “Itsekiri Must Get It Right This Time” and I am tagging this write-up as “Da-tse-ru-to-jor” that is “let us do things right”.
I Prince Omolubi, Prince Mode Akoma and other princes who refused participation in the so-called Itsekiri Assembly led by Chief Johnson (Uji) was done outside the existing edit (law) of 1979 of the then Bendel State which is now applicable to Delta State. This is the true position of what transpired between the Ginuwa 1 ruling house after the presentation of Prince Tsola Emiko by the Emikos family.
The Olori-Ebi Prince Emmanuel Okotie-Eboh failed completely by not taking into consideration some major observation as affects the selection process of the meeting held on the 18th February 2021, he went straight on the 19th February 2021 to recommend in writing Prince Tsola Emiko to the advisory council of chiefs. The observations were:
a) Wanting to know from the Emiko family if the edit of 1979 was adopted in the selection by giving opportunity to the father to son, son to brother, brother to cousin, cousin to other relatives.
b) They also insisted to know if all the princes stood as an individual to obtain the opportunity of the oracle (ife) as a person.
This was confirmed after the Olori-Ebi recommendation with other three counter recommendation emulated from the Ginuwa 1 ruling house to the advisory council recommending Oyowoli Emiko, Sunny Emiko and Barr. Jaiye Emiko which are aggrieved members of the Emiko’s and the Olori-Ebi refusing to hold another meeting in the palace to address the aggrieved members. The Prince Tsola supporters took the meeting from the palace to PK guest house from on the 18th February 2021 till the day they decided to carry out their devilish protest to the palace gate, they never called any Ginuwa 1 ruling house meeting in the palace and that was the only avenue where those for and against would be present because they never wanted any opposition that was the reason for taking the meeting to PK guest house.
At this junction, I Prince Omolubi would want the whole of Itsekiris in Itsekiri land to condemn in totality the protest to the palace gate in the name of succession because that was the work of the devil. I use the word “the work of the devil” because they expected me Prince Omolubi, Prince Mode Akoma and other princes who are in support of the law to raise a counter protest that would lead to the spill of blood of innocent Itsekiri sons and daughters.
It will interest you to know that all sons and daughters of Itsekiri that were present at that protest ground were paid between #2000-#5000 daily and offered free food for the services rendered. The devil failed, God used us not to carry out a counter protest because we were able to control ourselves maximally. That was why they were able to have a free day on that protest and I thank God for that restrain and to the Itsekiris.
I still stand by the edit (law) of 1979 because that was what restrained me Prince Omolubi from not being a contender of the Olu-elect position because I am fully qualified by birth. If my brothers are saying that the edit (law) should be ruled out, I stand to be corrected which means I and other qualified candidates would have contested.
I wonder why all a sudden the edit of 1979 means nothing to the wrong doers when it was the edit of 1979 (law) that:
a.) At the first instance brought about Ginuwa 1 ruling as against the previous Gogomaru.
b.) It was also used to choose the Olori-ebi, i stand to be corrected that it was the use of the edit that disqualified barrister Erorun Emiko as the Olori-ebi and Prince Emmanuel Okotie-eboh was selected by the Ginuwa 1 ruling house.
c.) This same edit was followed by the Ologbostere Chief Ayiri Emami on the 5th of February informing the Ginuwa 1 ruling house of the indisposition of the Olu and asked us to get ourselves together incase of any eventuality.
d.) The same edit was what limited the successors of the throne to the three last Olu’s why is it when it got to the selection of Omoba, the edit is been totally ignored, some call it a mere piece of paper, some say the National constitution supersides the use of the edit in our traditional institution which means in the future every Itsekiri born of any tribe in world can be selected as an Olu after all we are children of Abraham.
According to section 8 of the traditional rulers and chiefs edit (law) of 1979 stating the customary law regarding succession to the title of the Olu of Warri.
1. There is only one ruling house known as Ginuwa 1
2. Succession is limited to Olu’s company (Otolus) who had previously reigned from the last three (3) Olus. The decendants of the other Olus who had previously reigned are known and referred to as Omajaja company. Ordinarily succession passes to a son of a demised Olu failing which to a suitable member of the Otolus provided that brothers are preferred to uncles, and uncles are preferred to grandson and grandson are preferred to other relatives within the Otolus. Females are absolutely barred.
3. The Ologbotsere summons a meeting of the members of the ruling house to the palace (Alofen) specifically to choose a successor. The meeting is presided over by the oldest man in the ruling house failing which by the Olori-Ebi or Olare-Ebi. All the sons of the demise Olu and members of the ruling house below the age of eighteen (18) are excluded from the meeting.
4. To qualify a candidate, mother must be an Itsekiri or of Edo origin.
In conclusion,
a) the Olori-Ebi has no right under any of our traditional law to suspend the Ologbotsere because only a king that gives chieftaincy title can dethrone a chief, the authority belongs to a king alone as you cannot give what you don’t have.
b) It is an aberration for the Iyatsere to call the Itsekiri Assembly in as much there is a living Ologbotsere.
My fellow brothers and sisters, what my brothers out there have done is shifting the goal post while the match is still on, as such must be CONDEMNED.