Slug: Dasukigate:  CEPEJ charges FG to prosecute culprits – National Reformer News Online

Slug: Dasukigate:  CEPEJ charges FG to prosecute culprits

The federal government has been commended over the on-going war on corruption,  describing it as appalling startling revelations on how the former National Security Adviser , Col Sambo Dasuki (rtd) allegedly disbursed over $2.1 billion meant for arms purchase to various individuals in the country.

President Mohammadu Buhari
President Mohammadu Buhari

Niger Delta based Non-Governmental Organization, Center for Peace and Environmental Justice (CEPEJ), which gave the commendation, urged the government not to rest on its oars in the fight against sleaze and ensure that the hydra headed monster is uprooted from the psyche of the nation.

The Center noted that the list of Nigerians who shared the arms funds was mind blogging and advised the government to prosecute them no matter whose ox is gored to serve as a deterrent to others.

‘’This admission shows that the unpatriotic nature of the ruling class. It is not only enough asking them to refund the money, they should be tried and their assets forfeited to serve as a warning to others that this government means business when comes to war against sleaze.

‘’We cannot continue to do things the same way and expect change. President Mahummadu Buhari should step on toes and ensure that his campaign promises are translated into concrete terms for the betterment of the generality of the good people of Nigerians’’.

The Center also commended the government for recovering looted funds stashed in offshore accounts, especially Switzerland, and thanked the Swiss government for cooperating with the Nigerian government to return the toxic funds.

‘’We understand that Nigeria is also in talks with the United Kingdom, United States and others to recover looted funds. This is indeed a welcome development and interesting time for Nigeria.  However, we implore the government to plough such funds into infrastructural development and also revive moribund industries to better the lots of the people’’.

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