Chevron Commissions GMOU Projects In Egbema-Gbaramatu – National Reformer News Online
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Chevron Commissions GMOU Projects In Egbema-Gbaramatu

The NNPC/Chevron Joint venture has commissioned more community projects valued at over N140 million in some communities constituting the Egbema-Gbaramatu Community Development Foundation (EGCDF), under the company’s Global memorandum of understanding (GMoU) in the Western Niger Delta region. This is in addition to over 40 infrastructural projects worth over N1.3 billion commissioned in the communities late last year.

Cutting the tape to commission the town hall
Cutting the tape to commission the town hall

The recently commissioned projects include three-bedroom bungalow at Benikrukru and Town hall at  Okoyitoru communities, while two other completed projects – Solar-Powered Water facility at Opuama and Staff Quarters at Ogbinbiri have been scheduled for commissioning on a later date.

In his remarks at the commissioning ceremony and town hall meetings organized by the Foundation on Thursday and Friday August 15 and 16, 2013, the EGCDF chairman, Chief Michael Johnny called on the people to continue to provide enabling environment for Chevron to operate in the area.

Chief Johnny decried the alarming rate of illegal bunkering activities and pipeline vandalism in the Niger Delta region and warned that the leadership of the RDC would not spare anyone found guilty of such offences.

He advised parents to counsel their children and relatives against such criminal acts and encouraged the people to always adhere to the rule of Law and constructive dialogue in the resolution of all issues through the EGCDF and to avoid unnecessary litigations. He also noted appreciated the NNPC/Chevron Joint venture for the commitment to the GMoU and noted that the Foundation seeks to engage other donors and intervention agencies to assist in funding development projects in the communities.

The Delta State government also used the occasion to praise the efforts of the NNPC/Chevron Joint Venture in sponsoring sustainable development of communities through the GMoU process. The Senior Special Assistant to the Delta State Governor on Community Affairs, Barrister Vincent Omorie who represented the State government also supported the EGCDF leadership in its resolve to seek other funding opportunities aside from the NNPC/Chevron Joint Venture and encouraged them to reach out to more development agencies.

In his remarks, Chevron’s General Manager, Policy Government and Public Affairs (PGPA), Deji Haastrup, expressed delight over the progress being made by the EGCDF since the GMoU was signed in 2005.

Represented by Happy Apai, GMoU coordinator PGPA West, Mr. Haastrup stated that the commissioning of more projects in the communities was clear evidence that EGCDF was determined to bring better life to their people. He also applauded the Foundation for using this avenue to organize town hall meetings in order to inform the people about their activities stressing that such interactions would help bridge the communication gap between the EGCDF leaders and their people.

Exterior of the Okoyitoru community town hall
Exterior of the Okoyitoru community town hall

Mr. Haastrup noted that the GMoU has continued to meet its objectives of making communities take the driver’s seat in their development and ensuring huge empowerment and capacity building opportunities come to the people and encouraged them to also support the GMoU+ which focuses on business development and economic empowerment; third party partnership and collaboration; delivery on the Millennium Development Goals [MDGs]; Operational Excellence and Human Rights. Community leaders, youths and women groups from the relevant communities graced the events.

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