INYA decry marginalization of Isoko nation in Nigeria – National Reformer News Online

INYA decry marginalization of Isoko nation in Nigeria

R-L: NUJ Chairman, Delta State Council, Comr. Michael Ikeogwu, INYA President, Comr. Ovie Umuakpo and one his executive during the press briefing.

By: Ovedhe Jerry

Isoko Youth National Assembly (INYA), has decried marginalization of Isoko ethnic nationality in Nigeria by the President Buhari led administration in the Country as well as DESOPADEC and NDDC.

The National President of INYA, Comr. Ovie Umuakpo stated this during the INYA world press conference organized by the newly inaugurated INYA excos held at the Aradhe town hall in Isoko North local government area of Delta State.

While presenting some of the areas in which Isoko nation has been marginalized, Comr. Ovie stated that Isoko nation has been marginalized by the Federal government in the amnesty programme, in which Isoko Youths are not included in the struggle that have been peaceful in agitating for their amnesty in the Niger Delta struggle.

He said that, the Community Development Board of OML 30 is lopsided, noting that, “It does not reflect the true position of the equities of the resource being contributed to the set-up as no one from the Isoko extraction is at the managerial cadre.

Comr. Ovie further added that, “Isoko nation being one of the largest onshore Oil producers has only one Conmissioner in DESOPADEC while other sister ethnic groups of the Commission have two each. We the Isoko people also in strong terms condemn the poor maintenance of Oil facilities in Isoko especially that of NPDC that led to spillage at Ogini flow station recently.

“The government in a recent massive shake-up which was not only supposed to strengthen the NNPC but also fill gaps created due to statutory retirements of staff was done in total disregard  of the Isoko nation, the Niger Delta region and the entire minorities of Southern Nigeria.” Comr. Ovie posited.

The INYA boss also bemoaned the neglect of the Isoko communities in Ndokwa East, stressing that, “Our people in Ndokwa East have no good road access to their communities and this has hindered their economic activities.

“There are also a lot of abandoned NDDC projects across Isoko nation despite the derivative of the Federal government that all existing projects of NDDC be completed without delay.

Comr. Ovie also decried the none appointments of Isoko son or daughter into the Federal Executive Council in which he attributed to the result why Isoko nation has been marginalized just as he sued for the conversion of the Delta state polytechnic, Ozoro to a Federal polytechnic, noting that, “This will effectively portrays a positive disposition of the Federal government towards the peaceful agitation for the development of the region as a reward for the peace which the Isoko people have advanced over time.”

He however called on the State and Federal government, and all relevant bodies to do the needful to address the aforementioned issues which have bothered on the growth and development of the entire Isoko nation and Niger Delta region.

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