I Challenge Men As the Only Woman Mechanic In Delta—Emoyan – National Reformer News Online

I Challenge Men As the Only Woman Mechanic In Delta—Emoyan

Onajite Emoyan is the only woman mechanic in Delta State. Our correspondent cornered her and she spoke on the prospects and challenges in the profession as a woman mechanic. She spoke with OMOS OYINBODE in Sapele, Delta State.

Onajite Emoyan

Please, tell us your name?

M y name is Onajite Emoyan.

What kind of vehicles do you repair?

I repair all kinds of vehicles, especially Peugeot and Benz.

When did you become a mechanic?

I started this profession in 2001, in Enerhen Road, Warri as an apprentice in Mr. Godwin Egwa’s workshop.

Are you married?

No, not yet.

Why did you join the profession?

I love the job.

How are you competing with the men in this field?

It is a challenge to them, being the only woman mechanic in Delta State.

How do you feel like being the only woman among men?

My father actually wanted me to go to school but I was not interested in school, and so I asked myself what I could do with my life. Since I could not go to school, my father advised me to learn a trade but I refused, because my interest or what I wanted to do was to be a mechanic, and that was how I joined the mechanics.

So, are you enjoying the job?

Yes, very well and I make a lot of money from it.

How much money do you make a day?

It depends on the customers available and the job performed daily but I can say confidently that there is money in it.

How do you dress when working?

I put on my “overall” when working, but outside work, I dress like a lady.

Do you have people learning under you?

I am still with my boss.

What message do you have for women as far as this job is concerned?

Women really want to learn this job, but when they start the men disturb them and they don’t have the mind to bear the moves of men. When I started, the men too were also disturbing me but my boss will always call me and advise me to concentrate on the work I have come to learn. So, because many of the ladies could not cope with the men, they left because of the intimidation and harassment they suffer from the men.

So you were able to survive just because of what your boss told you?

Well, I was determined also to learn the job and not be intimidated by any man because I know they will betray me and that is just the truth.

So you take pride in this job?

Yes, I do. I am very proud to be a mechanic.

What advice do you have for the new members of the National Automobile Technicians Association (NATA?

Well, they should try their very best to train a lot of people and take the union seriously, because the union is growing every day, and we are already making friends with the police. I even attended a training here in Asaba for three weeks. We are even preparing for training in Germany. I want them to take training of youths seriously as the youths are no longer ready to learn. They should encourage them to take interest in it in order to secure their future.

What do you say to those who prefer the easy way of life and quick money?

That is not the best for them. You cannot reap where you did not invest. My advice to the youth is to learn and be involved in a trade. If you are not hardworking, there is no way you can be successful.

I believe those who make quick money are involved in rituals, cultism and armed robbery. You can learn any trade you have interest in.

You said some of you are preparing to go to Germany, who is sponsoring the trip?

The Federal Government is responsible for the sponsorship.

How many of you are going from Delta State?

We are 26 going from here.

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