Pass PIB Into Law Now – CEPEJ to Lawmakers
By Francis Sadhere
A foremost NGO in the oil-rich Niger Delta Region, Centre for Peace and Environmental Justice (CEPEJ) has urged Nigerian Lawmakers to pass the Petroleum Industry Bill (PIB) into law now.

National Coordinator of CEPEJ, Comrade Sheriff Mulade, speaking from Accra, Ghana at the weekend, decried the delay in the passage of the PIB into law by the National Assembly.
Comrade Mulade said that the PIB in Ghana has been passed into law, whereas that of Nigeria was still being delayed for no clear reasons.
He said that; ” For seven years, we are still crawling with our PIB, but that of Ghana that came up much later has been passed into law. We are supposed to set the pace for Ghana, but unfortunately, we are the one now learning from Ghana, this is shameful and we must do the right thing now”.
The CEPEJ boss added that; “Let us put aside our differences and work with one mind for the sake of our PIB and make it work because the oil bearing communities are suffering on a daily basis from polluted environment and lack of development. The passage of the PIB by our Lawmakers will bring the needed succuor to the people”.
” The PIB must not be killed, the bill is good for our oil bearing communities and the nation generally and whatever that can be done to accelerate it’s passage should be done now. The ten percent equity to oil bearing communities must be restored in the PIB. The PIB of Ghana gives sense of belonging to the oil bearing communities and ours should be like that also. Ghana is far ahead of Nigeria now in terms of the PIB, let our National Assembly pass our PIB”, Comrade Mulade said from Ghana.
According to the CEPEJ boss also; “Enough of this feet dragging on the Nigerian PIB. Our Lawmakers should pick up the PIB for a speedy consideration. The PIB among other things will ensure the protection of the oil bearing communities by the multinational oil companies. Whatever differences we have over the passage of the PIB should be resolved amicably now. We cannot afford to throw away the PIB”.