Over a thousand people get free medical treatments in Ughelli ….as twenty Law students clinch Ekuogbe Akpodiete Foundation scholarship awards
By Harriet Anetor
Determined to promote good health care practices amongst Nigerians, the Elohim Ministries International (USA) and Ekuogbe Akpodiete Foundation have recently provided free medical treatment to over a thousand people in Ughelli kingdom.
Fielding questions from newsmen, the President of Elohim Ministries International and Executive Director of Ekuogbe Akpodiete Foundation Brenda Ome Ekuo-Akpodiete stated that from research it has been proven that a lot of people in Nigeria have so many health challenges but are unable to get medical help because of financial constraints.
According to her “we decided to carry out this free medical outreach in Ughelli because we found out that the need was high so we decided to minister to that need. Because of financial constraints, people are not able to see the doctor when they fall ill or go for medical checkup as regularly as is required. That is why daily people are dying from illnesses that require simply treatment.”

“As a registered nurse I want people to take their health seriously. So aside the free eye screening, free eye glasses, free medical consultations, free blood pressure, blood sugar check and free medications there will be health talk to enlighten the public on their daily diet. Being healthy is not just about taking drugs but it is about our daily lifestyle. We want people to know that there are certain activities and lifestyle that can impact on their health negatively. So if they must remain healthy, they must watch what they do on a daily basis. ” She added.
On his part, Dr. David Udo- Umo, a Medical Practitioner with over ten years’ experience in medical missions, stressed the need for people to change and follow a strict diet if incidences of diabetes, high blood pressure and metabolic illnesses are to be contained. He said “it is needful, to let people who indulge in so much carbohydrates to know that if they do not change their diet soon they will get sick with diabetes. The importance of health education to an individual or community cannot be over-emphasized as we have found out that the more prevention you do, the lower the prevalence and the incidence of sicknesses, particularly metabolic sickness.”
The high points of the three day event held at the BAMACO women hall along Anglican Girls Grammar School Road, Ovwodawanre Ughelli was the evening revival services and free give-away, people in the town received free drugs, free donations of clothing, household goods, toys and books courtesy of Tree of Life Church, Fredrick Maryland.
In the same vein, twenty Urhobo indigenes studying Law in different universities across Nigeria were awarded financial scholarship by the Ekuogbe Akpodiete Foundation. The Foundation was established in memory of the Late Chief. Barr. Dr. Ekuogbe Akpodiete, the Otota of Ughelli and Urhukpe ro’Ovie. The last award was o eighteen law students. The increase to twenty students is in commemoration of the twentieth anniversary of the death of the late legal luminary.