

…Kicks Bayelsa Pipe Welders and Fitters Ad-hoc Committee

By Ovedhe Jerry

A Trade Union under the auspices of Fitters Senior Staff Association of Nigeria (FISSAN) an affiliate of Nigeria Labour Congress has expressed dissatisfaction over the non – employment of Nigerian fitters and Welders in the ongoing Dangote Refinary project in Lekki, Lagos State just as they bemoaned the Adhoc Committee set up by the Bayelsa State Government against the wish of FISSAN

NLC-logo-ripple-nigThis was contained in a letter addressed to the Federal Government through the Hon. Minister of Labour and the Executive Governor of Bayelsa State through NLC respectively, duly signed by its Secretary Comr. Onyeka Chris.

The group stated that, the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) believes that this is at variance with the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria which vest Labour matters in the Exclusive list under the sole purview of the federal Govt.

The two separate letters dated 11th June, 2016 captioned: A need to stay complaint with our Rules of Engagement and status as well as Non – Employment of Nigerian Fitters in the Ongoing Dangote Refinary Project in Lekki, Lagos State had purportedly condemned the special Adhoc Committee – Pipe. Welders and Fitters Adhoc Committee intended to manage the affairs of both professions for a focused and centralized employment co-ordination and had vehemently insisted that, there are registered TradeUnions that organized the affairs of Filters and Welders in Nigeria and these Unions ought to be allowed to run their affairs without the meddlesomeness of other parties especially the ones not empowered by the law. “It is not proper to hide under the guise or any other to further trample upon our laws”. It added.

“We have come to the shocking revelation through various investigations and corroboration by our affiliate that the handlers of the Dangote refinery projects under construction are not employing Nigerian fitters and other qualified Nigerian artisan in the execution of their work and in bringing the project on stream.

“This company brought in about 500 Indians – all Fitters who have undergone the Fitters test to enable them work in the company. This is completely outrageous”.

The group also noted that, Nigerian Fitters were fully involved in the construction of the four refineries Nigeria have today, saying that “there is nothing new that they cannot do in this one owned by Dangote group of Companies that would warrant their exclusion especially at this of hash economics circumstances and mass unemployment”.

They further called on the Federal Government through the Federal Ministry of Labour to act quickly and decisively wade into this matter to save Nigerian jobs for Nigerians and stop the hemorrhaging of our foreign exchange resources that “the foreign workers will be paid in foreign currencies”.

They threatened to take appropriate measures to compel the company to act patriotically and an immediate campaign throughout Nigeria for a boycott of all Dangote products, “if Dangote group refuses to be called to order and begin to act responsibly.”

They however pledged to work in concrete with the Government through the Ministry in this regard if they are truly interested in ensuring equity and justice for Nigeria and Nigerian workers in that project site.

Meanwhile, Comr. Morrister Idibra, General Secretary, Fitters Senior Staff of Nigeria (FISSAN) stressed the need for Bayelsa State Government and the Federal Government to build faith and confidence in the capability of indigenous Fitters and Welders emphasizing that, the group is ever ready and poised with the task of working closely with the state, Federal Government and any company in synergistic relationship at anytime for the interest of the Nigerian economy and for the growth of all.

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