
By Emrowosovwa Umagba
The world is in extremis.
The world economy need to be rescued from collapse. if you look back vividly at the world economy data map and barometers in the previous year’s, carefully analyzing the oligarchy and opprobrium of the governing method of grouping of country’s into continents, you will understand what I am saying.
Mr. António Guterres, the ninth Secretary-General of the United Nations, who took office on 1 January 2017, has failed the continent. The world is grinding down as a modern day slavery of grey area and things have collapsed in the system. You will agree with me that the people are suffering, perhaps the slum vast majority of the people across the continent (all nations or country’s) are suffering in ropy state, while few of them are satisfied with their living condition.
Considering the analogy of a low income countries, toff income countries, and lower-middle income countries in terms of gumption to survive which brought about their many trouble spot of suzerainty as Economy, insecurity, health, infrastructure development, technology (advancement) is controlled.
These are issue of leadership despotism (faux pas). The world today need leaders that can stand in the gap swift and lead our people from a crummy abject or excruciating poverty, and insecurity to better living condition.
We don’t need leaders who are self centered and greedy. We need leaders who would listen to the cries and yearning of the downtrodden in the society’s in vistas. It is a statement of facts that lack of genuine and accountable political leadership has brought us into these problematic condition of despondency that is consuming everybody except few in the world today.
Toff income countries in the advance continent, still suffer in one area or the other politically in the United Nation Organization UN, especially at the centre (UN Security Council). This is based on monopoly and mawkish odd over the instrument of coercion and control over significant portion of society’s resources made possible by unbridle Kleptocracy and marginalization.
The protracted leadership at the world council of UN, ECOWAS and OAU is all too evidence as stalemate and stasis. The economic woes and insecurities are starring us in our eyes on low income countries, low and lower middle Income countries, but better condition on toff income countries considering the numbers of casualties arising from a disaster (toll).
Apart from these facts the leadership of the world council (UN & A.U ECOWAS) and President Mohammadu Buhari’s APC of Nigeria, and its fellow counterpart US President Joe Biden’s Democrat, and Dr. Mohammand Ibn UN Ambassador to regional Africa and President of UN General Assembly, as subterfuge. I accused them of CORRUPTION & VANAL. Instead of loam as lee for llaise, it is precisely the fact that the United Nation UN, OAU and ECOWAS Cadre are uninspiring myopic self serving irresponsible and generally incredible.
This simple explain why its very difficult to connect the values and aspiration of political elite as been resourceful with that of the masses. Government at various level should be transparent responsive and accountable respect and protect among other vices of human right on vicissitudes, on many trouble spot in countries reaching out to freedom of expression and of the press freedom of information and freedom of association and of assembly.
I will say without mincing words categorically that if MEN WERE GOD what would have been the tide of the world today been governed by Satan or Lucifer and its agents through occultic means to power causing oppression, death, envy, war, hatred among others.
It is quite obvious that I Dr. Emrowosowwa Umagba on perestroika, is bewildered with a political siege by this evil nefarious gladiator of tyrant force from suss of life to forestall me down from succeeding and they have succeeded by their Jamborea that has rigmarole.
On whatever means by tenure extension through UN Secretary General Dr. Antonio Gutteress apply for tenure extension as money exchange hand to wave me out of contents as next UN Secretary General as his tenure expire.
This is sadism as the raison d’etre is that the world is in a ramshackle of bad to worse (exacerbation) its white glum, I can’t see any good reasons of achievement on the foreign scene to restore peace and stability to nation on crises
On why Nigeria former President Goodluck Enebell Jonathan PDP was awarded UN ambassador when he lost the election in 2015 by former US President Barrack Obama Administration is shameful. Obama as president supported (institutionalized) sodomy to practice gay marriage. This shows that UN Security Council is absolutely corrupt and insane. The United State of America with the emblem of God’s owns country, that always provide UN Chairman as founding father is known as most corrupt country in the world in rigging election by electronic fraud and manipulation of US Presidential election result.
Let the US congress defend my accusation. I demand social justice on this issue. But I am appealing to notable cooperate organizations, such as the Papacy Pope Francis II of the Roman Catholic Church worldwide, Rome Vatican city, to please consider its foreign policies to Africa continent to save lives as Christian in the body of Christ as a presidential aspirant and one vying for the office of UN Secretary-General to deliver the mandate of my calling.
Christian Association of Nigeria CAN Pentecostal fellowship of Nigeria, PFN, Human Right Violation Group International (diaspora) and Nigeria Local, Amnesty International, Nigeria Labour Congress NLC, NUPENG and PENGASON, I beseech them to look into my case in the benefit of democracy on our nascent democracy as a country Nigeria, African and the world to move the nation forward (Growth), and hopefully to our fourth coming Nigeria General Election 2023 and beyond.
I am also pleading that this issue should be considered and handled under due process not with sentiment with regard to the Nigeria constitution as true federalism to struggle for what rightfully belong to me by birth (Destiny) is not crime to stewardship. That notwithstanding, I Dr. Emrowosovwa Umägba voted President Muhammadu Buhari and Delta State Governor Ifeanyi Okowa on two consecutive time, to office during the general election. I did not vote you to kill me, rather it was for the nation to be a better country for us all and our future generation. I demand an answer not pretence, deaf ear and threat to take my life. the world is watching this scenario with rapt attention.
Emrowosovwa Umagba 09121379909